The Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) was established in 2001 under a government decree. This establishment was part of the government privatization plan.
Technology Integration and under the agreement with EDCO and the ERC, developed and installed a Power Quality Monitoring System at EDCO / Aqaba.
The system was developed on a combination PXI / SCXI system. PXI controller, embedded real-time operating system, with LabVIEW Real-Time was used to acquire waveforms at the substation location. While a server that was located at the central office was connected to PXI machine using industrial wireless Ethernet.
System was designed to meet the following requirements:
High speed time logging
Wireless, Ethernet connectivity with client/server architectures
Data Acquisition, Data Analysis, and Data Presentation all in one platform
Synchronized Measurements for electrical power voltages, currents, and digital switchgear
Single line Diagram representation
Power Quality Measurements including power factor, power metering, harmonic distortion, and transient events including sags, swells, and impulses
Extensive graphical plotting capabilities including polar plots, time waveform plots, and statistics
Alarming, Reports, and Data Management
Sequence of Events Recorder
Open and flexible approach, scalable to future systems
Integrated platform based on commercial off-the-shelf tools
Following are the measurements realized at the substation:
RMS Voltage and current
Voltage Harmonics, and Total Harmonic Distortion.
Apparent Power (VA), Active Power (Watt), Reactive Power (VAR)